The CD Single “Eleftheria Arvanitaki/Three songs” was released in Greece in January. The tree songs of the album are: 1. a brand new song by Stamatis Kraounakis entitled “I’m going to touch the sky” that was arranged by Akis Katsoupakis; 2. the song of Nikos Kypourgos and Afroditi Manou entitled “End” from the “Oxygen” OST; 3. the song “My friends don’t love you” of George Andreou and Thodoris Atheridis from the theatre play of Thodoris Atheridis entitled “…Of love”.

In February she started a new series of appearances at VOX Club in Athens. The younger singers Melina Aslanidou and Isaiah Matiamba accompanied her. Yiorgos Zachariou did the arrangements, and Manolis Pantelidakis made the stage set. Her very successful shows also traveled to the FIX Club in Salonica in April and May. In May she also gave two concerts in the context of the inaugurating series of events at the Art Centre of Halandri in Athens.

In June Eleftheria Arvanitaki meets with the great American composer Philip Glass and his Ensemble on stage for the work entitled “Orion”. This new work of Philip Glass was first presented at the Herodion Thetre in Athens on June 3rd and 4th, then it traveled to Salonica (Forest Theatre, 7th and 8th), and then to Europe: Ravenna, Italy (10/6), Lyon, France (12/6), London, UK (14/6). Philip Glass composed “Orion” following an invitation from the Cultural Olympiad of Athens. It is a work centered around the traditions of the five continents. Apart from Eleftheria Arvanitaki, who performed the traditional song “Djivaeri” (i.e. “My treasure”), vary famous soloists from all over the world also featured in the show: Wu Man (China – pipa), Marc Atkins (Australia – Didjeridoo), Foday Musa Suso (Gambia – cora), Ashley MacIsaac (Canada – violin), Uakti (group from Brazil), Gaurav Mazumdar (India – sitar, playing oa piece by Ravi Sankar).

In July, Eleftheria Arvanitaki’s album entitled “All in the light” is released, a multi-collection album signed by several composers, lyricists and songwriters: Antonis Andrikakis, Antonis Vardis, Eleana Vrachalis, Dimitra Galani, Lina Dimopoulou, George Zikas, Nikos Zoudiaris, Alcinoos Ioannidis, Stamatis Kraunakis, Lavrentis Mahairitsas, Nikos Xydakis, Thodoris Papadopoulos, Manolis Pappos, Leda Roumanis, Takis Simotas, Michalis Hatzigiannis, Georgia Hitzidou, while one of the songs is based on a poem by Napoleon Lapathiotis. The album’s orchestration is by Akis Katsupakis and Eleftheria Arvanitaki collaborates with Giorgos Kyvelos in the direction of production. Along with the disc, a bonus DVD is released in which the “journey” of the creation of the disc is recorded.